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Trustworthy AI technology – Fields of action for certification (German-language webinar)

AI has become an integral part of the everyday life of many users. Applications and services that include AI are used daily on the Internet, e.g. through the use of language assistants or search engines. Also in the business context, AI is already used in many industries and areas, e.g. to support decision-making processes or even to replace them. (German-language webinar) The focus of the applications is on data that machines use, e.g. to Create forecasts or make a classification.

But there are also many challenges that stand in the way of using AI. For example, many companies and government agencies are faced with the question of the criteria used to assess the trustworthiness and security of the use of AI in their everyday business.

Therefore in this webinar, Dr. Poretschkin put a special focus on the current level of trustworthiness of AI and lead a discourse from the user’s perspective. Dr. Poretschkin is a senior data scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS, where he is responsible for activities in the area of ​​securing and standardizing AI.

In this function, he leads a large interdisciplinary research project to develop a certification of AI, which is funded by the AI ​​competence platform KI.NRW. Webinar content:
– What are the areas of action for certification of AI technologies?
– What approaches already exist for developing certification tasks? What are the next steps? – Need for regulation vs. (entrepreneurial) personal commitment
– AI and law – what are the uncertainties? – Is AI certification marketable?

You can register for the webinar here.

The webinars from the eco association offer you a practical and structured overview of important developments and current trends related to digitalization.

Further information, dates and topics can be found on the website of eco Academy .


  • Zeitzone: America/New_York
  • Datum: Jan. 13 2025
  • Zeit: 18:00 - 18:00